Production power creating the Çimstone quality is based on the state-of-the-art Breton technology. In two separate production lines, Çimstone carries out the production of 305x140cm, 310x152 cm and 330x165cm slabs.
Our second line which we put into operation in early 2020 introduced the state-of-the-art Breton technology to our country. With our new investment, our production capacity has been doubled up. Thanks to four mixers installed in our production line, we appear before you with more colour and texture alternatives.
We have undersigned innovations in terms of both colour and pattern in our product collection with our new line which brings uninterrupted solutions to space design by manufacturing larger slabs.
Incoming raw materials are prepared in accordance with the production recipe.
Raw material so prepared is homogenously in mixers.
Prepared mixture is evenly spread in the mould by means of a distributor.
The slab in the mould is pressed.
Pressed slab is cured in the kiln.
Slab coming out of the kiln enters the cooling tunnel.
Burrs occurring on the edges of the slab are trimmed.
Slab is calibrated and thicknesses on its surface are evened.
Surface of the slab is polished after the calibration process.
Each slab is inspected and quality-controlled by specialised teams. Slabs are categorised by their quality. Those slabs passing the quality control are safely stored in the storage area.